Hey Love With Karthi Masters



Every week on this podcast, you and I receive encouragement & equipping in the ways of loving, life giving, laughter filled relationships.


  • Ep 108- “Get Into the Flow”


      Hey love, 5 years ago i set out to start something. NEW; take up some space out here in podcast land. I hoped I’d make it to 7 episodes bc that’s the average… that’s how long a new podcast typically lasts. Well, here we are…I can’t believe it- we actually made it to a…

  • Ep 107- The Chosen Collective


    Hey Love, As you know, one of the bright spots for me lately, as I’ve been growing my coaching business and finishing my screenplay- has been all things “The Chosen.” Today, You’re gonna get to hear from a few friends who have played a part in bringing us “The Chosen” which I KNOW you LOVE…

  • Ep 106- Justen Overlander “Your Calling”


      Hey Love, We’ve been exploring the importance of cultivating the “Creative” in you- especially at such a time as this. Lately, I’ve been speaking with folks who have worked hard to bring us a little :-0) tv show called the Chosen and it’s done my heart good. I’ve learned so much from these brilliant…

  • Ep 105- Ryan Swanson -“Fear Gets Got”


    Hey Love, Have you been feeling more anxious lately? These days, I feel and hear that a lot. I’ve been fearful about the state of the world, violence in the streets, pre election political unrest, post election political unrest, all the same things you’re feeling fearful about… PLUS – I’ve been feeling some angst about…

  • Ep 104- Brian Bird “Story is Food”


      Hey Love, Welcome to the Listening Well. My aim is to encourage you, my listener, to take up space in the world using the creative gifts God has deposited in you- because sharing God’s “GOOD” with others- that’s the stuff that makes life worth living!!!   :-0) (I expound on this theory on Ep…

  • Ep 103- Dallas Jenkins – Get Used to Different


      Hey Love, It’s the most talked about tv series of all time. The Chosen is just the stuff! Today, we get to hear from its creator Dallas Jenkins. He came in just to speak words of life to you and me with regard to our respective creative projects. :-0) Since the recording of this…

  • Ep 102- Christen Hodges – Moms Together


      Hey Love, Thanks for joining me today. This episode is all about living out love in your community and influencing the next generation in creative ways. My guest today heads up a vibrant ministry at my church here in Nashville called Moms together- which was a huge blessing to me back when I had…

  • Ep 101- Steve Taylor – “Do You Want to be a Clone?”


      Hey Love, Today, I’m going to ask a pro for feedback on my screenplay idea because well, I’m a glutton for self inflicted pain, apparently. :-0)  It’s not because of anything my esteemed guest says that I find myself heaving with embarrassment; he’s absolutely gracious and kind. It’s because I was obviously so clueless……

  • Ep 100 – “Nurture the Creative in You”


      Hey Love, Do you struggle with nurturing the creative in you? Or doubt you have a creative bone in your body? Do you think it’s an important thing to explore? Today on our centennial episode, (!!!!!) we will discuss creativity and community. Actually, this will be the focus for this whole season; maybe for…

  • Ep 99- Worry Free Warriors (with David Thomas)


      Hey Love, Welcome back! Today, I will be introducing you to Counselor Extraordinaire from Daystar Counseling Minstries here in Nashville- David Thomas. He’ll be telling us the best way to reduce anxiety in our kids. Around here, we call him “The Wild Things Whisperer.” You’re gonna see why in just a minute! Come on…

  • Special Series- 21 Days of Prayer- Day 21


    Hey Love, This is our last day together for this special series called “21 Days of Prayer.” Hope you’ve enjoyed these readings half as much as I have. It’s Palm Sunday- 2,000 years ago, our Champion Jesus marched in to a warzone to fight for us. After death was arrested at the cross, He came…

  • Special Series- 21 Days of Prayer- Day 20


    Hey Love, This is our last week together for this special series. Today’s devotional is written by Lloyd Shadrach of Fellowship Bible Church. A little warning- you will be hearing growling noises from a certain host’s stomach …  That’s because today is a day The Gospel Coalition has called believers all over the world- to…

  • Special Series- 21 Days of Prayer- Day 19


      Hey Love, Welcome to 21 Days of Prayer. The theme for this week has been “God Will Be Glorified.” This is our last week together for this special series and today’s devotional was written by Lloyd Shadrach of Fellowship Bible Church. To read along while you listen, text “21 Days” to 94090. We’re on…

  • Special Series- 21 Days of Prayer- Day 18


      Hey Love, Welcome to our last week together for this special series! Today’s devotional is written by Lloyd Shadrach of Fellowship Bible Church. To read along while you listen, text “21Days” to 94090. Our 18th entry is “The Cross is Glory” and this one is pure GOLD!!! Tomorrow, Lloyd will expound on how in…

  • Special Series- 21Days of Prayer- Day 17


    Hey Love, Welcome back to 21 Days of Prayer. The theme for our last week together, is “God Will Be Glorified”. These devotionals are being daily written by Lloyd Shadrach and Rob Sweet of Fellowship Bible Church. To read along while you listen, text “21 Days” to 94090. Hard to believe we’re on Day 17,…

  • Special Series- 21 Days of Prayer- Day 16


    Hey Love, Welcome to Week 3 of 21 Days of Prayer, “God Will Be Glorified”. These are daily devotionals written by Lloyd Shadrach and Rob Sweet of Fellowship Bible Church. To read along while you listen, text “21 Days” to 94090. Normally I have a commentary section after the reading but I promised I would…

  • Special Series-21 Days of Prayer- Day 15


      Hey Love, Welcome to Week 3 of 21 Days of Prayer. These are daily devotionals written by Lloyd Shadrach and Rob Sweet of Fellowship Bible Church. We’re on Day 15 and the title for today’s entry is “The Theory of Everything.”  To read along while you listen, text “21Days” to 94090. Well Love, have…

  • Special Series- 21 Days of Prayer- Day 14


    Hey Love, Welcome to Day 14 of the Prayer Devotional, “21 Days of Prayer.” To read along while you listen, text “21 Days” to 94090. These entries are written by Lloyd Shadrach and Rob Sweet of Fellowship Bible Church. The theme for this second week has been “God Is Provider” and today, Rob nails down…

  • Special Series- 21 Days of Prayer- Day 13


    Hey Love, Welcome back! Today is Day 13- and Pastor Rob Sweet is having us look at the importance of living with “Open Hands” – even through a global pandemic. I bet you’ve heard the saying, “If He can get it THROUGH ya, He’ll get it TO ya.”  What does that look like today for…

  • Special Series- 21 Days of Prayer- Day 12


    Hey Love, It’s Day 12 of our “21 Days of Prayer” devotional. Each of these entries is being written in real time for JUST such a time as this by teaching pastors at Fellowship Bible Church- Rob Sweet and Lloyd Shadrach. This week, our focus has been “God Is Provider.”  Today, Rob has us ponder …

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